Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 CABBAGES and COLEWORTS


Gemüsekohl, Weisskohl

Brassica capitata/ Brassica oleracea

Cabbage/ Colewort

Planet:   Mond
Energie: neutral warm und leicht trocken

Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Heiserkeit Hoarsness
Tuberkulose Consumption
Stauungen Obstructions
Steine Stone
Sehvermögen Sight
Mundgeschwüre Canker
Übersättigung Surfets
Schwellungen Swellings
Gicht Gout
Wunde Stellen Sores
Krätze Scabs
Nesselsucht Wheals
Melancholie Melancholly
Blähungen Wind

Description: I shal spare a labor in writing a Description of these, sith almost every one that can but write at all may describe them from his own knowledg, they being generally so well know that Descriptions are altogether needless.
Place: These are generally planted in Gardens.
Time: Their flowering time is towards the middle or end of July, and the Seed is ripe in August.
Use: The Cabbages or Coleworts boyled gently in Broth and eaten do open the Body, but the second Decoction doth bind the Body. The Juyce therof drunk in Wine helpeth those that are bitten by an Adder, and the Decoction of the Flowers bringeth down Womens Courses. Being taken with Honey, it recovereth hoarsness or loss of the voice. The often eating of them wel boyled, helpeth those that are entring into a Consumption. The Pulp of the middle Ribs of Coleworts boyled in Almond Milk, and made up into an Electuary with Honey, being taken often, is very profitable for those that are pursie and short-winded. Being boyled twice, and a old Cock boyled in the Broth and drunk, it helpeth the pains and obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, and the Stone in the Kidnies. The Juyce boyled with Honey and dropped into the corner of the Eye, cleareth the sight, by consuming any Film or cloud begining to dim it; it also consumeth the Canker growing therin. They are much commended being eaten before meat, to keep one from surfetting, as also from being drunk with too much Wine, or quickly make a man sober again that is drunk before. For (as they say) there is such an Antipathy or enmity between the Vine and the Colewort, that the one will die where the other groweth. The Decoction of Colworts taketh away the pain and ach, and allayeth the swellings of swoln and gouty Legs and Knees, wherein many gross and watry humors are fallen, the place being bathed therwith warm: It helpeth also old and filthy sores, being washed therewith, and healeth all smal Scabs, Pushes and Wheals that break out in the Skin. The Ashes of Colwort Stalks mixed with old Hogs-Grease are very effectual to annoint the Sides of those that have had long pains therin, or any other place pained with Melancholly and windy humors.
This was surely Chrysippus his god, and therfore he wrote a whol Volumn of them and their Vertues, and that none of the least neither, for he would be no smal Fool, he apropriates them to every part of the Body, and to every Disease in every part, and honest old Cato they say used no other Physick, I know not what Mettals their Bodies were made of, this I am sure, Cabbages are extream windy whether you take them as Meat, or as Medicine, yea as windy Meat as can be eaten, unless you eat Bagpipes or Bellows, and they are but seldom eaten in our daies, and Colewort Flowers are somthing more tollerable, and the wholsomer Food of the two.
The Moon challengeth the Dominion of the Herb.
Edgenote: Venemous Beasts. Terms provokes, Hoarsness, Consumption, Obstructions, Stone, Sight, Canker, Surfets, Swellings, Gout, Sores, Scabs, Wheals, Melancholly, Wind.

22.12.2024 J.N.