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Gemeine Pestwurz

Petasites hybridus


Planet:   Sonne
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Pest Plague
Epidemische Erkrankungen epidemical Diseases
Gift Poyson
Gebärmutter Mother
Keuchen Wheezing
Atemnoting Difficulty of breathing
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Flache und breite Würmer Flat and broad Worms
Schönheitsfehler der Haut Blemishes of the skin

Description: This riseth up in February, with a thick Stalk about a foot high, whereon are set a few smal Leavs, or rather pieces, and at the tops a long spiked head of Flowers, of a blush or deep red colour, according to the soil wherin it groweth; and before the Stalk with the Flowers have abidden a month above ground, wil be withered and gone, blown away with the wind; and the Leaves will begin to spring, which being full grown are very large & broad, being somwhat thin and almost round, whose thick red footstalks, about a foot long stand towards the middle of the Leavs: The lower parts being divided into two round parts, close almost one to another, and of a pale green colour, and hoary underneath. The Root is long and spreading under ground, being in some places no bigger than ones Finger, in others much bigger, blackish on the outside & white within, of a bitter and unpleasant tast.
Place: They grow in low and wet ground by Rivers and Waters side.
Time: Their Flower (as is said) rising and decaying in February and March, before the Leavs which appear in April.
Use: The Roots hereof are by long experience found to be very available against the Plague and Pestilential Feavers, by provoking Sweat, if the Pouder therof be taken in Wine, it also resisteth the force of any other Poyson.
The Root hereof taken with Zedoary and Angelica, or without them, helps the rising of the Mother: The Decoction of the Root in Wine is singular good for those that wheeze much, or are short-winded. It provoketh Urin also and Womens courses, and killeth the flat and broad Worms in the Belly. The Pouder of the Root doth wonderfully help to dry up the moisture of sores that are hard to be cured, and taketh away all spots and blemishes of the skin.
It were wel if Gentlewomen would keep this Root preserved to help their poor Neighbors: It is fit the Rich should help the Poor, for the Poor cannot help themselvs.
Edgenote: Plague, epidemical Diseases. Poyson, Mother, Wheezing, Difficulty of breathing, Disury, Terms provokes, Flat and broad Worms, Blemishes of the skin.

22.12.2024 J.N.