Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 BURNET



Sanguisorba (minor)


Planet:   Sonne
Energie: neutral warm und leicht trocken

Herz Heart
Leber Liver
Melancholie Melancholy
Seuchen Pestilence
Epidemische Erkrankungen epidemical Diseases
Blutungen Bleeding
Stoppt Menstruation und Weissfluss Stoppeth Terms and Whites
Aufstossen Belching
Erbrechen Vomiting
Wunde Wound
Geschwüre Ulcers
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Wunde Stellen Sores
Ausfluss Fluxes

Description: The common Garden Burnet is so well known that it needeth no description. There is another sort which is wild, the description wherof take as followeth.
The great wild Burnet, hath winged Leavs rising from the Roots like the Garden Burnet, but not so many, yet each of these Leavs are at the least twice as large as the other, and nicked in the same manner about the edges, of a grayish colour on the underside: The Stalks are greater and rise higher, with many such like Leavs set theron, and greater heads at the tops of a brownish green colour, and out of them come smal dark purple Flowers, like the former, but greater. The Root is black and long like the other, but greater also: It hath almost neither scent nor tast therin like the Garden kind.
Place: The first grows frequently in Gardens. The Wild kind groweth in divers Countries of this Land, especially in Huntington & Northampton shires in the Meadows there; as also near London by Pancras-Church, and by a Causey side in the middle of a Field by Paddington.
Time: They flower about the end of June and beginning of July, and their Seed is ripe in August.
Use: They are accounted to be both of one property, but the lesser is more effectual, because quicker and more Aromatical: It is a friend to the Heart, Liver, and other the principal parts of a mans Body. Two or three of the Stalks with Leavs put into a Cup of Wine, especially Clarret, are known to quicken the Spirits, refresh and cheer the Heart and drive away Melancholly. It is a special help to defend the Heart from noisom vapors, and from Infection of the Pestilence, the Juyce therof being taken in som Drink, and the party laid to sweat thereupon.
They have also a drying and an astringent quality, whereby they are available in all manner of Fluxes or Bloud or Humors, to stanch bleedings inward or outward, Lasks, Scourings, the Bloudy-flux, Womens too abundant Courses, the Whites, and the Chollerick belchings and castings of the Stomach; and is a singular good Wound-herb for all sorts of Wounds both of the Head and Body, either inward or outward; for all old Ulcers, or running Cankers and moist sores to be used either by the Juyce or Decoction of the Herb, or by the Pouder of the Herb or Root, or the Water of the Distilled Herb, or Ointment by it self, or with other things to be kept. The Seed is also no less effectual both to stop Fluxes and dry up moist Sores, being taken in Pouder inwardly, in Wine or steeled Water, that is, wherin hot Gads of Steel have been quenched. Or the Pouder of the Seed mixed with the Ointments.
This is an Herb the Sun challengeth dominion over, and is a most precious Herb, little inferior to Betony: The continual use of it preservs the Body in health, and the Spirits in vigor; for if the Sun be the preserver of life under God, his Herbs are the best in the World to do it by.
Edgenote: Heart, Liver, Melancholy, Pestilence, epidemical Diseases, Bleeding, Stoppeth Terms and Whites, Belching, Vomiting, Wound, Ulcers, Cankers, Sores, Fluxes.

22.12.2024 J.N.