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Kriechender Günsel

Ajuga reptans


Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht warm und leicht feucht

Blutergüsse Bruises
Stürze Falls
Wunden Wounds
Krätze Scabs
Geschwüre Ulcers
Immobilisation der Leber (Vergrösserte Leber) Liver-grown
Gangrän Gangreans
Fisteln Fistulaes
Entzündungen im Mund Sore Mouths
Zahnfleisch Gums
Wunde Stellen an den Genitalien Sores in the Secrets
Knochenbrüche broken bones
Nachtgeister Mares
Sieht in der Nacht Fremdartiges Strange Sights in the night

Description: This hath larger Leavs than those of the Selfheal, but els of the same fashion, or rather a little longer, in some green on the upper side, and in others more brownish, dented about the edges, somwhat hairy, as the square Stalk is also, which riseth up to be half a yard high somtimes, with the Leavs set by couples; from the middle almost hereof upwards stand the Flowers together, with many smaler and browner Leaves than the rest on this stalk below, set at distances, and the stalk bare between them, among which Flowers are also smal ones of a bluish, and somtimes of an Ash colour, fashioned like the Flowers of the Ground-Ivy, after which come small, round, blackish Seed. The Root is composed of many strings, and spreadeth upon the ground in divers parts round about.
The White-flowered Bugle differeth not in form or greatness from the former, saving that the Leavs and Stalks are alwaies green and never brown like the other, and that the Flowers therof are very white.
Place: They grow in Woods, wet Copses, and Fields generally throughout England; but the White flowered Bugle is not so plentiful as the other.
Time: They flower from May until July, and in the mean time perfect their Seed. The Roots and Leavs next therunto upon the ground abiding all Winter.
Use: The Decoction of the Leavs and Flowers made in Wine and taken dissolveth the congeled Blood in those that are bruised inwardly by a fall or otherwise, and is very effectual for any inward wounds, Thrusts or Stabs in the Body or Bowels, and is an especial help in all Wound-drinks, and for those that are Liver-grown (as they cal it.) It is wonderful in curing all manner of Ulcers and Sores whether new and fresh, or old and inveterate, yea Gangrenes and Fistulaes also, if the Leavs bruised be aplied, or their Juyce used to wash and bath the places. And the same made into a Lotion with some Honey and Allum, cureth all sores of the Mouth or Gums be they never so foul, or of long continuance; and worketh no less powerfully and effectually for such Ulcers and Sores as happen in the secret parts of Men or Women: Being also taken inwardly, and outwardly applied, it helpeth those that have broken any Bone, or have any Member out of joynt. An Ointment made with the Leaves of Bugle, Scabious and Sanicle bruised and boyled in Hogs-Greas, until the Herbs be dry, and then strained forth into a Pot, for such occasions as shal require it is so singular good for all sorts of hurts in the Body, that non that know its usefulness will be without it.
This Herb is belonging to Dame Venus, and if the Vertues of it make you in love with it, (as they wil if you be wise) keep a Syrup of it to take inwardly, and an Ointment and Plaister of it to use outwardly alwaies by you.
The truth is I have known this Herb cure some Diseases of Saturn, of which I thought good to quote one. Many times such as give themselvs much to drinking are troubled with strange Fancies, strange sights in the night-time, and some with Voices, as also with the Diseas Ephialtes or the Mare. I take the reason of this to be (according to Fernelius) a Melancholly vapor made thin by excessive drinking strong Liquor, and so flys up and disturbs the Fancy, and breeds imaginations like it self, viz. fearful and troublesom: These I have known cured by taking only two spoonfuls of the Syrup of this Herb, after Supper two hours when you go to bed. But whether this do it by Sympathy or Antipathy is som question; all that know any thing in Astrologie, know that there is a great Antipathy between Saturn and Venus in matter of Procreation, yea such an one, that the barreness of Saturn can be removed by none but Venus, nor the lust of Venus be repelled by none but Saturn: but I am not yet of opinion this is done this way; and my reason is because these vapors though in quality Melancholly, yet by their flying upward seem to be somthing Aeriel, therfore I rather think it is done by Sympathy, Saturn being exalted in Libra the house of Venus.
Selfheal, which follows, is of the same nature, and I am of opinion the same Herb, only differs a little in form according to the difference of place they grow in; this I am sure they work the same effect.
Edgenote: Bruises, Falls, Wounds, Scabs, Ulcers, Liver-grown, Gangreans, Fistulaes, Sore Mouths, Gums. Sores in the Secrets, broken bones. Mares, Strange Sights in the night.

22.12.2024 J.N.