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BROOKLIME | |||||||||||||||||||||
Bachbungen-EhrenpreisVeronica beccabungaBrook-LimePlanet: Mars
Stichworte: |
Description: | This sendeth forth from a creeping Root, that shooteth forth strings at every Joynt as it runneth, divers and sundry green Stalks, round and sappy with some branchs on them, somwhat broad, round, deep green, and thick Leavs set by couples theron: from the Bosom wherof shoot forth long Footstalks, with sundry smal blue Flowers on them, that consist of five smal round pointed Leavs apiece. There is another sort nothing differing from the former, but that it is greater, and the Flowers of a paler blue Colour. |
Place: | They grow in smal Standing Waters, and usually neer Watercresses. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | And Flower in June and July, giving Seed the next Month after. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Brooklime and Watercresses are generally used together in Diet Drinks with other things, serving to purge the Blood and Body from ill Humors that would destroy health, and are helpful for the Scurvy: They do also provoke Urin, and help to break the Stone and pass it away; they procure Womens Courses, and expel the dead Child. Being fried with Butter and Vinegar and applied warm, it helpeth all manner of Tumors or Swellings, and Inflamations. Such drinks ought to be made of Sundry Herbs according to the Malady offending, I shal give a plain and easie Rule at the latter end of the Book. |
Edgenote: | Blood purgeth, Ill Humors, Scurvy, Disury, Stone, Terms provokes, Dead child, Swellings, Inflamations. | ||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |