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Planet:   Mars
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Epilepsie Falling-sickness
Schwindel Vertigo
Phlegma Flegm
Lähmungen Palsies
Zuckungen Convulsion
Krämpfe Cramp
Stiche Stitches
Wassersucht Dropsies
Griess im Urin Gravel
Steine Stone
Stauungen Obstructions
Unterleib Womb
Gebärmutter Mother
Totgeburt Dead Child
Nachgeburt After-birth
Husten Cough
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of Breath
Wunde Stellen Sores
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Gangrän Gangrenes
Pusteln Tetters
Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) Ringworms
Schwarze Flecken Black Spots
Sommersprossen Freckles
Ausbruch durch Lepra oder Skorbut Morphew
Lepra Leprosie
Knochenbrüche Broken Bones
Splitter Splinters
Dornen Thorns
Umläufe Whitlows
oder Nagelbettentzündungen or Nail-wheals

Description: The Common white Briony groweth ramping upon the Hedges, sending forth many long rough very tender branches at the beginning with many very rough broad Leavs theron, cut (for the most part) into five partitions, in form very like a Vine Leaf, but smaller, rougher, and of a whitish or hoary green colour, spreading very far, spreading and twining with his smal Claspers (that come forth at the Joynts with the Leavs) very far on whatsoever standeth next it: At the several Joynts also (especially towards the top of the Branches) cometh forth a long Stalk bearing many whitish Flowers, together in a long tuft, consisting of five smal Leaves apiece, laid open like a Star: after which come the Berries, separated one from another more than a Cluster of Grapes, green at the first, and very red when they are through ripe, of no good sent, but of a most loathsom tast provoking Vomit: The Root groweth to be exceeding great with many long Twines or Branches growing from it of a pale whitish colour on the outside, and more white within, and of a sharp, bitter loathsom tast.
Place: It groweth on Banks, or under Hedges, through this Land the Roots lie very deep.
Time: It Flowereth in July and August, some earlier and some later than others.
Use: The Roots of the Briony purge the Belly with great Violence, troubling the Stomach, and hurting the Liver, and therfore not rashly to be taken, but being corrected is very profitable for the Diseases of the Head, as Falling-sickness, Giddiness, and Swimmings, by drawing away much Flegm and Rhewmatick humors that oppress the Head, as also the Joynts and Sinews, and is therfore good for Palseys, Convulsions, Cramps, and Stitches in the Sides, and the Dropsie; and in provoking Urin it clenseth the Reins and Kidnies from Gravel and the Stone, and consumeth the hardness and swellings therof. The Decoction of the Root in Wine drunk once a week at going to bed, clenseth the Mother, and helpeth the rising, therof, expelleth the dead Child, and Afterbirth, but is not to be used by Women with Child, for fear of abortion; a dram of the Root in Pouder taken in white Wine bringeth down their Courses. An Electuary made of the Roots and Honey, doth mightily clens the Chest of Rotten Flegm, and wonderfully help an old strong Cough, those that are troubled with shortness of Breath, and is very good for them that are brused inwardly, to help to expel the clotted or congealed Blood. The Leavs, Fruit, and Root, do clens old and filthy Sores, are good against al fretting and running Cankers, Gangrenes, and Tetters, and therfore the Berries are by some Country People called Tetter-Berries. The Root clenseth the Skin wonderfully from al black and blew Spots, Freckles, Morphew, Leprosie, foul Scars, or other deformity whatsoever: as also al running Scabs, and Manginess are healed by the Pouder of the dried Root, or the Juyce therof, but especially by the fine white hardned Juyce: The distilled water of the Roots worketh the same effects but more weakly. The Root bruised and applied of it self to any place where the Bones are broken, helpeth to draw them forth, as also Splinters and Thorns in the Flesh; and being applied with a little Wine mixed therwith it breaketh Boyls, and helpeth Whitlows on the Joynts.
For al these latter beginning at Sores, Cankers &c. apply it outwardly and take my advice along with you, you shal find in my Translation of the London Dispensatory, among the Preparations at latter end, a Medicin called Focculae Brioniae, take that and use it, you have the way there how to make it, and mix that with a little Hogs Greas or other convenient Oyntment, and use it at your need.
As for the former Diseases where it must be taken inwardly, it purgeth very Violently, and needs an abler hand to correct it than most Country people have, therfore it is a better way for them (in my opinion) to let the Simple alone, and take the Compound Water of it, mentioned in my Dispensatory, and that is far more safe, being wisely corrected.
Edgenote: Falling-sickness, Vertigo, Flegm, Palsies, Convulsion, Cramp, Stitches, Dropsies, Gravel, Stone, Obstructions, Womb, Mother, Dead Child, After-birth. Cough, Shortness of Breath, Sores, Cankers, Gangrenes, Tetters, Ringworms, Black Spots, Freckles, Morphew, Leprosie. Broken Bones, Splinters, Thorns, Whitlows, or Nail-wheals, or Andicoms.

22.12.2024 J.N.