Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 BORRAGE & BUGLOSS



Borago officinalis


Planet:   Jupiter / Löwe
Energie: neutral kühl und mässig trocken

Acker-Ochsenzunge, Wolfsauge

Lycopsis arvensis


Planet:   Jupiter / Löwe
Energie: -

Fieber Feavers
Seuchen Pestilence
Gift Poyson
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Milch von Ammen Milk in Nurses
Melancholie Melancholy
Krankes Blut Ill Bloud
Gelbsucht Yellow-Jaundice
Juckreiz Itch
Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) Ringworms
Pusteln Tetters
Krätze Scabs
Schwäche durch lange Krankheit Weakness by long sickness
Tuberkulose Consumption
Ohnmacht Swooning
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Geschwüre Ulcers
Entzündungen in Mund und Hals sore Mouths & Throat
Husten Cough
Phlegma Flegm

Description: These are so wel known to be Inhabitants in every Garden, that I hold it needless to describe them.
Place: in every Garden
Time: They flower in June and July, and the Seed is ripe shortly after.
Use: They are very Cordial. The Leaves or Roots are to very good purpose used in putrid and Pestilential Feavers, to defend the Heart, and help to resist and expel the Poyson, or the Venom of other Creatures; the Seed is of the like effect; and the Seed and Leavs are good to encrease Milk in Womens Breasts: The Leavs, Flowers and Seed, all, or any of them are good to expel Pensiveness and Melancholly: it helpeth to clarifie the Bloud, and mitigate heat in Feavers. The Juyce made into a Syrup prevaileth much to all the purposes aforesaid, and is put with other cooling, opening, clensing Herbs, to open obstructions, and help the yellow-Jaundice, and mixed with Fumitory, to cool, clens, and temper the Blood, therby it helpeth the Itch, Ringworms, and Tetters, or other spreading Scabs or Sores. The Flowers candied, or made into a Conserve are helping in the former causes, but are chiefly used as a Cordial, and is good for those that are weak with long sickness, and to comsumptions, or troubled with often swoonings or passions of the Heart: The Distilled Water is no less effectual to all the purposes aforesaid, and helpeth the redness and inflamations of the Eyes being washed therewith: The dried Herb is never used, but the green; yet the Ashes therof boyled in Mead, or Honyed Water is available against Inflamations and Ulcers in the Mouth or Throat, to wash and gargle it therewith. The Roots of Bugloss are effectual being made into a licking Electuarie, for the Cough, and to condensate thin flegm, and Rhewmatick Distillations upon the Lungs.
They are both Herbs of Jupiter, and under Leo, both great Cordials, great strengthners of Nature.
Edgenote: Feavers, Pestilence, Poyson, Venemous Beasts. Milk in Nurses. Melancholy, Ill Bloud. Yellow-Jaundice, Itch, Ringworms, Tetters, Scabs, Weakness by long sickness, Consumption, Swooning, Inflamations. Ulcers, sore Mouths & Throat, Cough, Flegm.

22.12.2024 J.N.