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Amarantus blitum


Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Menstruation und Weissfluss Reds and Whites in Women

Description: Of these there are two sorts commonly known, viz. White and Red. The White hath Leavs somwhat like unto Beets, but smaller, rounder and of a whitish green colour, every one standing upon a smal long Footstalk: The Stalk riseth up two or three foot high with such like Leavs theron: The Flowers grow at the top in long round tufts or clusters, wherein are contained smal and round Seed. The Root is very full of threeds or strings.
The red Blite is in all things like the white, but that his Leavs and tufted heads are exceeding red at first, and after turn more Purplish.
There are other kinds of Blites which grow wild, differing from the two former sorts but little, only the wild are smaler in every part.
Place: They grow in Gardens, and wild in many places of this Land.
Time: They seed in August and September.
Use: They are all of them cooling, drying and binding, serving to restrain the Fluxes of Bloud in either man or woman, especially the Red; which also stayeth the overflowing of women's Reds, as the white Blite stayeth the Whites in Women. It is an excellent secret, you cannot wel fail in the use; they are al under the Dominion of Venus.
There is one other sort of wild Blites, like the other wild kinds, but having long and spike heads of greenish Seed, seeming by the thick setting together to be al Seed.
This sort the Fishes are delighted with, and it is a good and usual Bait; for the Fishes will bite fast enough at them, if you have but wit enough to catch them when they bite.
Edgenote: Reds and Whites in Women.

22.12.2024 J.N.