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THE BRAMBLE or BLACK-BERRY-BUSH | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BrombeereRubus candidansBlackberryPlanet: Venus / Widder
Stichworte: |
Description: | This is so wel known that it needeth no Description. The Vertues therof are as followeth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Buds, Leavs and Branches while they are green are of a good use in the Ulcers and putrid sores of the Mouth and Throat, and for the Quinsie; and likewise to heal other fresh Wounds and Sores; but the Flowers & Fruit unripe are very binding, and so profitable for the Bloudy-flux, Lasks, and are a fit remedy for spitting of Bloud. Either the Decoction or Pouder of the Root being taken is good to break or drive forth Gravel, and the Stone in the Reins and Kidnies. The Leavs and Brambles aswel green as dry, are excellent good Lotions for sores in the Mouth or secret parts: The Decoction of them & of the dried Branches, do much bind the Belly, and are good for the too much flowing of Womens Courses: The Berries or the Flowers are a powerful remedy against the Poyson of the most venemous Serpents, as wel drunk as outwardly applied, helpeth the sores of the Fundament, and the Piles. The Juyce of the Berries mixed with Juyce of Mulberries, do bind more effectually, and help fretting and eating sores and Ulcers whersoever. The Distilled Water of the Branches, Leaves and Flowers, or of the Fruit, is very pleasant in tast, and very effectual in Feavers and hot distempers of the Body, Head, Eyes and other parts, and for al the purposes aforesaid. The Leaves boyled in Ly and the Head washed therewith, healeth the Itch and the running sores therof, and maketh the Hair black. The Pouder of the Leaves strewed on cankrous and running Ulcers, doth wonderfully help to heal them. Some use to condensate the Juyce of the Leaves, and some the Juyce of the Berries to keep for their use all the year, for the purposes aforesaid. It is a Plant of Venus in Aries: You shall have Som directions at the latter end of the Book for the gathering of al Herbs and Plants &c. If any ask the reason why Venus is so prickly? Tel them 'tis because she is in the house of Mars. |
Edgenote: | Ulcers, Sores, Quinsie, Wounds, Flux, Bloody flux, Spitting Bloud, Gravel, Stone, Secrets. Terms stops, Poyson, Venemous Beasts. Fundament Piles, Feavers, Head, Eyes, Itch, Scabby Heads. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |