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BISHOPS-WEED | |||||||||||||||||||||
KnorpelmöhreAmmi majusBishop's WeedPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | Common Bishops-weed riseth up with a round straight Stalk, somtimes as high as a Man, but usually three or four foot high, beset with divers smal, long, and somwhat broad Leavs, cut in som places and dented about the edges, growing one against another, of a dark green colour; having sundry Branches on them, and at the top smal umbels of white flowers, which turn into smal round brown Seed, little bigger than Parsly-seed, of a quick hot scent and tast: The Root is white and stringie, perishing yearly after it hath seeded, and usually riseth again of its own sowing. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth wild in many places in England and Wales, as between Greenheath and Gravsend. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | It digesteth Humors, provoketh Urin and Womens Courses, dissolveth Wind; and being taken in Wine, easeth pains and griping in the Bowels, and is good against the biting of Serpents: It is used to good effect in those Medicins which are given to hinder the poysonful operation of Cantharides upon the passages of the Urin: Being mixed with Honey, and applied to black and blue marks, coming of Blows or bruises, it takes them away: and being drunk or outwardly applied, it abates an high colour, and makes it pale; and the Fumes therof taken with Rozin, or Raisons, clenseth the Mother. It is hot and dry in the third degree, of a bitter tast and somthing sharp withal; it provokes Lust to purpose; I suppose Venus owns it. |
Edgenote: | Disury, Terms provokes, Wind, Chollick, Venemous Beasts, Cantharides, black and blew Spots, High Colour, Mother. | ||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |