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Ammi majus

Bishop's Weed

Planet:   Venus
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Blähungen Wind
Kolik Chollick
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Canthariden Cantharides
schwarze und blaue Flecken black and blew Spots
Gefärbte Flecken High Colour
Gebärmutter Mother

Description: Common Bishops-weed riseth up with a round straight Stalk, somtimes as high as a Man, but usually three or four foot high, beset with divers smal, long, and somwhat broad Leavs, cut in som places and dented about the edges, growing one against another, of a dark green colour; having sundry Branches on them, and at the top smal umbels of white flowers, which turn into smal round brown Seed, little bigger than Parsly-seed, of a quick hot scent and tast: The Root is white and stringie, perishing yearly after it hath seeded, and usually riseth again of its own sowing.
Place: It groweth wild in many places in England and Wales, as between Greenheath and Gravsend.
Time: -
Use: It digesteth Humors, provoketh Urin and Womens Courses, dissolveth Wind; and being taken in Wine, easeth pains and griping in the Bowels, and is good against the biting of Serpents: It is used to good effect in those Medicins which are given to hinder the poysonful operation of Cantharides upon the passages of the Urin: Being mixed with Honey, and applied to black and blue marks, coming of Blows or bruises, it takes them away: and being drunk or outwardly applied, it abates an high colour, and makes it pale; and the Fumes therof taken with Rozin, or Raisons, clenseth the Mother.
It is hot and dry in the third degree, of a bitter tast and somthing sharp withal; it provokes Lust to purpose; I suppose Venus owns it.
Edgenote: Disury, Terms provokes, Wind, Chollick, Venemous Beasts, Cantharides, black and blew Spots, High Colour, Mother.

22.12.2024 J.N.