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Kleiner Vogelfuss

Ornithopus purpusillus

Bird's Foot

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Trocken Dry
Zusammenziehen der Wunden Binds Wounds
Steine Stone
Zerrungen Ruptures

Description: This smal Herb groweth not above a span high, with many Branches spread on the ground, set with many wings of smal Leaves; The Flowers grow upon the Branches, many smal ones of a pale yellow colour, being set at a head together, which afterwards turn into so many smal joynted Cods with Seeds in them; the Cods well resembling the Claws of smal Birds, whence it took its name.
There is another sort of Birds-Foot in all things like the former, but a little larger; the Flowers of a pale whitish red colour, and the Cods distinct by Joynts like the other, but a little more crooked, and the Roots do carry many small white Knots or Kernels amongst the Strings.
Place: These grow on Heaths, and many open untilled places of this Land.
Time: They flower and feed in the end of Summer.
Use: They are of a drying, binding quality and therby very good to be used in Wound-drinks, as also to apply outwardly for the same purpose. But the latter Birds-foot is found by experience to break the Stones in the Back or Kidnies, and drive them forth, if the Decoction therof be taken; and it wonderfully helpeth the Rupture, being taken inwardly, and outwardly applied to the place.
All Salts have best operation upon the Ston, as Ointments & Plaisters have upon Wounds; and therfore if you may make a Salt of this for the Stone, the way how to do so many be found in my Translation of the London Dispensatory, and it may be I may give you again in plainer terms at the latter end of this Book.
Edgenote: Dry, Binds Wounds, Stone, Ruptures.

22.12.2024 J.N.