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Betula pendula
Birch Tree
Planet: Venus
Energie: mässig kühl und mässig feucht
| Stichworte: |
Steine |
Stone |
Entzündungen im Mund |
sore Mouths |
| | | |
Description: |
This groweth a goodly tall straight Tree, fraught with many Boughes and slender Branches bending downward; the old ones being covered with a discoloured chapped Bark, and the yonger being browner by much: The Leaves at their first breaking out are crumpled, and afterward like the Beech Leaves, but smaler and greener, and dented about the edges: It beareth smal short Catkins, somwhat like those of the Hazel-Nut-tree, which abide on the Branches a long time, until growing ripe they fall on the ground, and their Seed with them. |
Place: |
It usually groweth in Woods. |
Time: |
- |
Use: |
The Juyce of the Leaves while they are yong, or the distilled Water of them, or the Water that coms out of the Tree, being bored with an Augur and distilled afterwards; any of these being drunk for some time together, is available to break the Stone in the Kidnies or Bladder; and is good also to wash sore Mouths. |
Edgenote: |
Stone, sore Mouths. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |