Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 BILBERRIES, WHORTS, WHORTLEBERRIES



Vaccinium myrtillus


Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken

Wechselfieber Agues
Magen Stomach
Leber Liver
Erbrechen Vomiting
Appetitlosigkeit Apetite lost
Husten Cough
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Ausfluss Fluxes

Description: Called also (by som) Whorts, and Whortleberries.
Of these I shal only speak of two sorts, which are commonly known in England, Viz. The Black, and the Red Bilberries. And first of the Black.
This smal Bush creepeth along upon the ground scarce rising half a yard high, with divers smal dark green Leaves set on the green Branches, not alwaies one against another, and a little dented about the edges: At the foot of the Leaves com forth smal, hollow, pale, blush coloured Flowers, the brims ending in five points, with a reddish threed in the middle, which pass into smal round Berries of the bigness and colour of Juniper Berries, but of a Purple sweetish sharp tast; the Juyce of them giveth a Purplish colour to their Hands and Lips that eat and handle them, especially if they break them. The Root groweth asloop under ground, shooting forth in sundry places as it creepeth: This loseth its Leaves in Winter.
The Red Bilberry, or Whortle-bush, riseth up like the former, having sundry harder Leaves, like the Box-Tree Leaves, green and round pointed standing on the several Branches, at the tops whereof only, and not from the sides as in the former, com forth divers round flowers of a pale red color, after which succeed, round reddish sappy Berries when they are ripe, of a sharp tast: The Root runneth in the ground, as the former; but the Leaves of this abide al Winter.
Place: The first groweth in Forrests, on the Heaths and such like barren plaaces: The Red grows in the North parts of this Land, as Lancashire, Yorkshire, &c.
Time: They flower in March and April; and the Fruit of the Black is ripe in June and July.
Use: The Black Bilberries are good in hot Agues and to cool the heat of the Liver and stomach; they do somwhat bind the Belly, and stay Vomitings and Loathings: The Juyce of the Berries made into a Syrup, or the Pulp made into a Conserve with Sugar, is good for the purposes aforesaid, as also for an old Cough or an Ulcer in the Lungs, or other diseases therein. The Red Whorts are more binding, and stop Womens Courses, spitting of Blood, or any other Flux of Blood or Humors, being used aswel outwardly as inwardly.
Edgenote: Agues, Stomach, Liver, Vomiting, Apetite lost, Cough, Phtisick, Fluxes.

22.12.2024 J.N.