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RotbucheFagus sylvaticaBeech TreePlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | In treating of this Tree, you must understand that I mean the great Mast Beech; which is by way of distinction from that other smal rough sort, called in Sussex, the small Beech; but in Essex, Hornbeam. I suppose it needless to describe it, being already so wel known to my Countrymen. |
Place: | It groweth in Woods amongst Oaks, and other Trees, and in Parks, Forrests, and Chases, to feed Deer; and in other places to fatten Swine. | ||||
Time: | It bloometh in the end of April, or begining of May for the most part, and the Fruit is ripe in September. | ||||
Use: | The Leavs of the Beech-Tree are cooling and binding, and therfore good to be applied to hot Swellings to discuss them: The Nuts do much nourish such Beasts as feed thereon: The Water that is found in the hollow places of decaying Beeches, will cure both Man and Beast of any Scurf, Scab, or running Tetters, if they be washed therwith. You may boyl the Leavs into a Pultis, or make an Ointment of them when time of year serves. | ||||
Edgenote: | - | ||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |