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WOOD-BETONY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heil-Ziest, Rote BetonieBetonica officinalis (Stachys officinalis)Betony (Wood)Planet: Jupiter / Widder
Stichworte: |
Description: | The Common or Wood-Betony hath many Leavs rising from the root which are somwhat broad and round at the ends, roundly dented about the edges, standing upon long Footstalks, from among which rise up smal, square, slender, but yet upright hairy Stalks, with some Leaves thereon, two apiece at the Joynts, smaller than the lower, whereon are set several spiked Heads of Flowers like Lavender, but thicker and shorter for the most part, and of a reddish or purple colour, spotted with white spots both in the upper and lower part; The Seeds being contained within the Husks that hold the Flowers, are blackish, somwhat long and uneven. The Roots are many white threddy strings; the Stalk perisheth, but the Root with some Leavs theron, abides al the Winter. The whole Plant is somwhat smal. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth frequently in Woods, and delighteth in Shady-places. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | And it flowreth in July, after which, the Seed is quickly ripe, yet in its prime in May. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Antonius Musa Physitian to the Emperor Augustus Caesar, wrote a peculiar Book of the Vertues of this Herb, and amongst other vertues, saith of it, That it preserveth the Lives and Bodies of Men free from the danger of Epidemical Diseases, and from Witchcrafts also: It is found by daily experience to be good for many Diseases; It helpeth those that loath, or cannot digest their Meat, those that have weak Stomachs, or sower belchings, or continual rising in their Stomach, using it familiarly either green or dry; either the Herb, the root, or the Flowers in Broth drunk, or Meat, or made into Conserve, Syrup, Water Electuary, or Pouder as every one may best frame themselvs unto, or as the time or season requireth, taken any of the aforesaid waies. It helpeth the Jaundice, Falling-sickness, the Palsie, Convulsions, or shrinking of the Sinews, the Gout, and those that are inclined to Dropsies, those that have continual Pains in their Head, although it turn to Phrensie. The Pouder mixed with pure Honey is no less available for al sorts of Coughs or Colds, Wheesing or shortness of Breath, Distillations of thin Rhewm upon the Lungues, which causeth Consumptions. The Decoction made with Mead and a little Penyroyal, is good for those that are troubled with putrid Agues, whether Quotidian, Tertian, or Quartan, and to draw down and evacuate the Blood and humors that by falling into the Eyes do hinder the Sight: The Decoction therof made in Wine and taken, killeth the Worms in the Belly, openeth Obstructions both of the Spleen and Liver, cureth Stitches and Pains in the Back, or Sides, the Torments and griping pains of the Bowels, and the wind Chollick: and mixed with Honey purgeth the Belly, helpeth to bring down Womens Courses, and is of especial use for those that are troubled with the falling down of the Mother, and pains therof, and causeth an easie and speedy delivery of Women in Childbirth: it helpeth also to break and expel the Stone either in the Bladder or Kidneys. The Decoction with Wine gargled in the Mouth, easeth the Toothach. It is commended against the sting or biting or Venemous Serpents or Mad Dogs. Being used inwardly and applied outwardly to the place. A dram of the Pouder in Betony taken with a little Honey in some Vinegar, doth wonderfully refresh those that are overwearied by travail; it staieth bleedings at the Mouth or Nose, and helpeth those that piss or spit Blood, and those that are Bursten or have a Rupture, and is good for such as are bruised by any fall or otherwise. The green Herb bruised, or the Juyce applied to any inward hurt or outward green Wound in the Head or Body wil quickly heal and close it up; as also any Veins or Sinews that are cut; and will draw forth any broken Bone, or Splinter, Thorn or other thing gotten into the Flesh: It is no less profitable for old Sores, or filthy Ulcers, yea, though they be Fistulaus and hollow, but some do advise to put in a little Salt to this purpose: Being applied with a little Hogs Lard, it helpeth a Plague-Sore, and other Boyls and Pushes: The fumes of the Decoction while it is warm received by a Funnel into the Ears, easeth the pains of them, destroyeth the Worms, and cureth the running Sores in them. The Juyce dropped into them doth the same. The Root of Betony is displeasing both to the tast and Stomach, whereas the Leavs and Flowers by their sweet and spicy tast, are comfortable both in Meat and Medicine. There are some of the many Vertues Antony Musa an expert Physitian (for it was not the practice of Octavius Caesar to keep Fools about him) apropriates to Bethony; It is a very precious Herb that's certain, and most fitting to be kept in a mans hous both in Syrup, Conserve, Oyl, Oyntment, and Plaister. The Flowers are usually Conserved. The Herb is apropriated to the Planet Jupiter, and the Sign Aries. |
Edgenote: | Epidemical Diseases, Witchcraft, Apetite, Indigestion, Stomach, Belching, Jaundice, Falling sickness, Palsey, Convulsion, Shrinking of the Sinews, Gout, Dropsie, Frensie, Cough, Cold, Shortness of Breath, Agues of all sorts, Sore Eyes, Worms, Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, Stitches, Pains in the Back and Belly, Terms provokes, Mother, Childbirth, Stone, Toothach, Venemous Beasts, Mad-dogs, Weariness, Bleeding at Mouth and Nose, Pissing & spitting of Blood, Ruptures, Bruises, Wounds, Veins and Sinews, Cuts, Ulcers, Fistulaes, Boyls, Ears. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |