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LADIES-BEDSTRAW | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Sumpf-LabkrautGalium verumBedstraw (Ladies)Planet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | This ariseth up with divers smal brown and square upright Stalks a yard high or more, somtimes branched forth into divers parts, ful of Joynts, and with diverse very fine small Leaves at every one of them little or nothing rough at al: At the top of the Branches grow many long tufts or branches of yellow Flowers very thick set together, from the several Joynts which consist of four smal Leavs apiece, which smel somwhat strong, but not unpleasant: The Seed is smal and black like Poppy seed, two for the most part joyned together: The Root is reddish with many smal thrids fastned unto it, which take strong hold of the ground and creepeth a little: And the Branches leaning a little down to the ground take Root at the Joynts therof, wherby it is easily encreased. There is also another sort of Ladies-Bedstraw growing frequently in England, which beareth white Flowers as the other doth yellow; but the Branches of this are so weak that unless it be sustained by the Hedges, or other things near which it groweth it wil lie down on the ground; the Leaves a little bigger than the former, and the Flowers not so plentiful as those; and the Root hereof is also thridy, and abiding. |
Place: | They grow in Meadows and Pastures both wet and dry, and by the Hedges. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They flower in May for the most part, and the Seed is ripe in July and August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Decoction of the former of these being drunk is good to fret and break the Stone, and provokes Urin, stayeth inward bleedings, and healeth inward Wounds: The Herb or Flower bruised and put up into the Nostrils, stayeth their bleeding likewise: The Flowers and the Herb made into an Oyl by being set in the Sun, and changed after it hath stood ten or twelve daies; or into an Ointment being boyled in Axungia or Sallet-Oyl with some Wax melted therein after it is strained; either the Oyl made therof or the Ointment do help Burnings with Fire, or Scalding with Water: the same also, or the Decoction of the Herb and Flower is good to bath the Feet of Travellers and Lacquies whose long running causeth weariness and stifness in their Sinews and Joynts; If the Decoction be used warm, and the Joynts afterwards anointed with the Ointment. It helpeth the dry Scab, and the Itch in Children: And the Herb with the white Flower is also very good for the Sinews, Arteries, and Joynts to comfort and strengthen them after travel, cold and pains. They are both Herbs of Venus and therfore strengthen the patrs both internal and external which she rules. |
Edgenote: | Stone, Dysury, Bleeding, Wounds. Burnings, Gauled-Feet, Weariness, Stiffness of Joynts, Scabs, Itch. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |