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Phaseolus vulgaris

Bean (French)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Kurzatmigkeit Shortess of breath
Angespornt zum Geschlechtsverkehr Incite to Venery
Eine galante Vorstellung A gallant shew

Description: The French or Kidney Bean ariseth up at first but with one stalk which afterwards divideth its self into many Arms or Branches, but also weak that if they be not sustained with sticks or poles, they wil lie fruitless upon the ground: at several places of these Branches grow forth long footstalks, with every one of them three broad round and pointed green Leavs at the end of them, towards the tops wherof come forth divers Flowers made like unto Pease Blossoms, of the same colour for the most part that the fruit wil be of, that is to say, white, yellow, red, blackish, or a deep purple; but white is most usual; after which come long and slender flat Pods, some crooked, some straight, with a string as it were running down the Back therof, wherein are contained flattish round fruit made to the fashion of a Kidney; the Root is long and spreadeth with many strings annexed to it, and perisheth every year.
There is also another sort of French Beans commonly growing with us in this land, which is called the Scarlet flowred Bean.
This ariseth up with sundry Branches as the other, but runs up higher to the length of Hop-poles, about which they grow twining, but turning contrary to the Sun, having Foot-stalks with three Leaves on each as on the other: The Flowers also are in fashion like the other, but many more set together, and of a most Orient Scalet colour. The Beans are larger than the ordinary kind, of a deep Purple colour, turning black when it is ripe and dry: The Root perisheth also in Winter.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: The ordinary French Beans are of an easie digestion, they move the Belly, provoke Urin, enlarge the Breast that is straitned with shortness of Breath, engender Sperme, and incite Venery.
And the Scarlet-coloured Beans in regard of the glorious beauty of their colour being set near a Quickset Hedg, wil bravely adorn the same, by climing up theron; so that they may be discerned a great way, not without admiration of the beholder at a distance. But they wil go near to kil the Quicksets by cloathing them in Scarlet.
Edgenote: Disury, Shortess of breath, Incite to Venery. A gallant shew.

22.12.2024 J.N.