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BEANS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ackerbohne, SaubohneVicia faba.BeanPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | Both the Garden and Field Beans are so wel known that it saveth me labor of writing any Description of them: Their Vertues briefly are as followeth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The distilled wather of the Flowers of Garden Beans is good to clens the Face and Skin from Spots and Wrinkles, and the Meal or Flower of them, or the smal, doth the same. The Water distilled from the green Husks is held to be very effectual against the Stone, and to provoke Urine. Bean Flower is used in Pultisses to asswage Inflamations rising upon Wounds, and the swelling of Womens Breasts caused by the curding of their Milk, and represseth their Milk: The Flower of Beans and Fenugreek mixed with Honey, and applied to Fellons, Boyls, Bruises, or blue Marks by blows, or the Imposthumes in the Kernels of the Ears, helpeth them all: And with Rose Leavs, Frankinsens and the white of an Egg being applied to the Eyes, helpeth them that are swoln, or do water, or have received any blow upon them if used with Wine. If a Bean be parted in two, the skin being taken away, and laid on the place where a Leech hath been set that bleedeth too much, it staieth the bleeding. Bean Flower boyled to a Pultis with Wine and Vinegar and some Oyl put therto, ceaseth both pain and swelling of the Cods: The Husks boyled in Water to a consumption of a third part therof staieth a Lask: and the Ashes of the Husks made up with old Hogs Greas, helpeth the old pains, contusions and Wounds of the Sinews, the Sciatica, and Gout. The Field Beans have all the aforementioned Vertues as the Garden Beans. Beans eaten are extream windy meat, but if after the Dutch fashion when they are half boyled you husk them, and then stew them (I cannot tell you how, for I never was Cook in al my life) they are wholsomer food. |
Edgenote: | Spots, Stone, Disury, Inflamation, Womens Breasts. Felons, or Andicoms, Boils, Bruses, Ears, Eyes, Leeches. Cods swelled, Flux, Pain, Sinews, Sciatica, Gout. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |