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BARLY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GersteHordeum vulgareBarleyPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | The continual usefulness hereof hath made al in general so aquainted herewith, that it is altogether needless to describe its several kinds hereof plentifully growing, being yearly sown in this Land. The Vertues whereof take as followeth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Barly in al the parts and compositions therof (except Malt) is more cooling than Wheat, and a little clensing: and al the Preparations therof, as Barly-water and other things made therof, do give great nourishment to persons troubled with Feavers, Agues, and heats in the Stomach. A Pultis made of Barly Meal or Flower boyled with Vinegar and Honey, and a few dry Figs put into them, dissolveth all hard Imposthums, and aswageth Inflamations being therto applied: And being boyled with Melilot and Chamomel Flowers, and som Linseed, Fenngreek and Rue in Pouder, and applied warm, it easeth the pains in the Sides and Stomach, and windiness of the Spleen. The Meal of Barly and Fleawort boyled in Water, and made into a Pultis with Honey and Oyl of Lillies, applied warm, cureth swellings under the Ears, Throat, Neck and such like: and a Plaister made therof with Tar, Wax & Oyl, helpeth the Kings-Evil in the Throat: Boyled with sharp Vinegar into a Pultis and laid on hot helpeth the Leprosie: Being boyled in red Wine with Pomgranat Rinds and Mirtles, stayeth the Lask or other Flux of the Belly: Boyled with Vinegar and a Quince, it easeth the hot pains of the Gout. Barly flower, white Salt, Honey and Vinegar mingled together, taketh away the Itch speedily and certainly: The Water distilled from the green Barly in the end of May is very good for thos that have Defluxions of humors fallen into their Eyes, and easeth the pains being dropped into them: or White-Bread steeped therein and bound on to the Eyes, doth the same. |
Edgenote: | Feavers, Agues, Stomach, Apostums, Inflamations, Spleen, Ears, Throat, Neck, Kings Evil, Leprosie, Flux, Gout, Itch Eyes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |