Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 BARBERRY



Berberis vulgaris


Planet:   Mars
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken

Galle Choller
Krätze Scabs
Juckreiz Pusteln Itch Tetters
Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) Ringworm
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Beulen Boyls
Wechselfieber Agues
Verbrennungen Burning
Verbrühungen Scaldings
Appetitlosigkeit Apetit lost
Haare Hair

Description: The Shrub is so wel known to every Boy and Girl that hath but attained to the age of seven years, that it needs no Description.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: Mars owns the shrub, and present it to the use of my Country-men to purge their Bodies of Choller. The inner Rind of the Barberry Tree boyled in White-Wine and a quarter of a pint drunk each morning, is an excellent remedy to clense the Body of Chollick Humors, and free it from such Diseases as Choller causeth, such be Scabs, Itch Tetters, Ringworms, yellow Jaundice, Boils, &c. It is excellent for hot Agues, Burnings, Scaldings, heat of Bloud, heat of the Liver, Bloudy-flux, for the Berries are as good as the Bark, and more pleasing; they get a man a good stomach to his victuals, by strengthning the attractive faculty, which is under Mars, as you see more at large in the latter end of my Ephemeris for the year 1651. The Hair washed with the Ly made of the Ashes of the Tree and Water, "twil make it turn yellow, viz. of Mars his own colour. The Fruit and Rind of the Shrub, the Flowers of Broom and of Heath, or Furz, clens the Body of Choller by Sympathy, as the Flowers, Leaves and Bark of the Peach-Tree do by Antipathy; because these are under Mars, that under Venus.
Edgenote: Choller, Scabs, Itch Tetters, Ringworm, Yellow Jaundice, Boyls, Agues, Burning, Scaldings, Apetit lost, Hair.

22.12.2024 J.N.