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ASARABACCA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
HaselwurzAsarum europeumAsarabacaPlanet: Mars
Stichworte: |
Description: | Asarabacca hath many Heads rising from the Roots, from whence come many smooth Leavs, every one upon his own Footstalk, which are rounder and bigger than Violet Leaves, thicker also, and of a darker green shining colour on the upper side, and of a paler yellow green underneath, little or nothing dented about the edges; from among which rise smal round hollow, brown green husks, upon short stalks about an inch long, divided at the brims into five divisions, very like the Cups or Heads of the Henbane Seed, but that they are smaller; and these be all the Flowers it carrieth, which are somwhat sweet, being smelled unto, and wherein when they are ripe is contained smal cornered, rough Seeds, very like the Kernels or Stones of Grapes or Raisons. The Roots are small and whitish spreading divers waies in the ground, and encreasing into divers Heads; but not running or creeping under ground as some other creeping Herbs do; They are somwhat sweet in smell, resembling Nardus, but more when they are dry, than green; and of a sharp but not unpleasant tast. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth frequently in Gardens. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They keep their Leaves green all Winter, but shoot forth new in the Spring, and with them come forth those Heads or Flowers which give ripe Seed about Midsummer, or somwhat after. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | This Herb being drunk, not only provoketh vomiting, but purgeth downward, and by Urin also, purging both Choller and Flegm: if you ad to it some Spicknard, with the Whey of Goats Milk or Honeyed Water, it is made more strong, but it purgeth Flegm more manifestly than Choller, and therfore doth much help pains in the Hips and other parts, it being boyled in Whey, it wonderfully helpeth the Obstruction of the Liver and Spleen, and therfore profitable for the Dropsie and Jaundice being steeped in Wine and drunk. It helps those continual Agues that come by the plenty of stubborn humors: An Oyl made therof by setting it in the Sun, with some Laudanum added to it, provoketh sweating (the ridg of the Back being anointed therwith) and therby driveth away the shaking Fits of Agues. It will not abide any long boyling, for it loseth its chiefest strength therby; nor much beating; for the finer Pouder doth provoke Vomit and Urin, and the courser purgeth downwards. The common Use herof is to take the Juyce of five or seven Leavs in a little Drink to caus Vomitings: The Roots have also the same Vertue, though they do not operate so forcibly, yet they are very effectual against the biting of Serpents, and therfore is put as an ingredient both into Methridate and Venice Treacle. The Leaves and Roots being boyled in Ly, and the Head often washed therwith, while it is warm, comforteth the Head and Brain that is ill affected by taking cold, and helpeth the Memory. I shall desire Ignorant people to forbear the use of the Leavs, the Roots purge more gently, and may prove beneficial in such as have Cancers, or old putrified Ulcers, or Fistulaes upon their Bodies, to take a dram of them in Pouder in a quarter of a pint of white Wine in the morning. The truth is, I fancy Purging and Vomiting Medicines as little as any Man breathing doth, for they weaken Nature nor shall never advise them to be used unless upon urgent necessity. If a Physitian be Natures servant, it is his duty to strengthen his Mistris as much as he can, and weaken her as little as may be. |
Edgenote: | Causeth Vomiting, Choller, Flegm, Urin, Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, Dropsy, Jaundice, Agues. Serpents. Head. Memory. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |