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Floh-Knöterich, Pfirsichblättriger Knöterich

Persicaria maculosa (Polygonum persicaria)

Mild or Dead Arssmart, Persicaria, Peachwort, Plumbago, Redshank

Planet:   Mars
Energie: neutral kühl und neutral trocken


Persicaria hydropiper (Polygonum hydropiper)

Hot Arssmart, Water-pepper, Culrage

Planet:   Mars
Energie: extrem heiss und extrem trocken

Geschwüre Ulcers
Kalte Schwellungen Cold swellings
Blutergüsse Bruises
Geronnenes Blut Congeled Blood
Zahnschmerzen Toothach
Nagelbettentzündung Felons
- or Andicoms
Würmer in the Ohren Worms in the Ears
Flöhe Fleas
Müde Pferde Tired Horses
Eitriger Abszess und Entzüdungen Impostums Inflamations
Wunden Wounds

Description: Description of the Mild. This hath broad Leaves set at the great red Joynts of the Stalks, with semicircular blackish marks on them usually, yet somtimes without: The Flowers grow in long Spikes usually either blush or whitish with such like Seed following. The Root is long with many strings therat perishing yeerly; this hath no sharp tast (as another sort hath, which is quick and biting) but rather sowr like Sorrel, or els a little drying without tast.
Place: It grows in watery Plashes, Ditches, and the like, which for the most part are dry in Summer.
Time: It Flowreth in June, and the Seed is ripe in August.
Use: It is of a cooling and drying quality, and very effectual for putrified Ulcers in Man or Beast, to kill the worms and clens the putrified Places: The Juyce therof dropped in, or otherwise applied, consumeth all cold Swellings, and dissolveth the congealed Blood of bruises by strokes, falls, &c. A piece of the Root, or some of the Seed bruised and held to an aching Tooth, taketh away the pain. The Leaves bruised and laid to the Joynt that hath a Fellon theron, taketh it away. The Juyce destroyeth Worms in the Ears being dropped into them: if the hot Arsmart be strewed in a Chamber it will soon kill all the Fleas; and the Herb or Juyce of the cold Arsmart put to Horses or other Cattels sores will drive away the Flie in the hottest time of Summer: A good handful of the hot biting Arsmart put under a Horses Saddle will make him travel the better although he were half tired before: The mild Arsmart is good against hot Imposthumes and Inflamations at the beginning and to heal green Wounds.
All Authors chop the Vertues of both sort of Arsmart together, as men chop Herbs for the Pot, when both of them are of clean contrary qualities, The hot Arsmart groweth not so high or tall as the mild doth, but hath many leaves of the colour of Peach leaves, very seldom or never spotted, in other particulars it is like the former, but may easily be known from it, if you will be but pleased to break a Leaf of it cross your Tongue, for the hot will make your Tongue to smart, so will not the cold; if you see them both together you many easily distinguish them, becaus the mild hath far broader Leaves: And our Colledg of Physitians out of their learned care for the publick good, Anglice their own gain, mistake the one for the other in their New-Master-Piece, wherby they discover, 1. Their Ignorance, 2. Their Carelesness, and he that hath but half an eye may see their pride without a pair of Spectacles. I have done what I could to distinguish them in their Vertues, and when you find not the contrary named, use the cold. The truth is, I have not yet spoken with Dr. Reason, nor his Brother Dr. Experience, concerning either of them both.
Edgenote: Ulcers, Cold swellings, Bruises, Congeled Blood, Toothach, Felons, or Andicoms, Worms in the Ears, Fleas, Tired Horses, Impostums Inflamations, Wounds.

22.12.2024 J.N.