Description: |
This hath small and almost round Leaves, yet a little pointed and without dent or cut, of a dusky mealy colour, growing on the slender Stalks and Branches that spread on the ground, with smal Flowers in clusters set with the Leaves, and small Seeds succeeding like the rest, perishing yearly, and rising again with its own sowing. It smels like old rotten Fish, or somthing worse. |
Use: |
Stinking Arrach is used as a remedy to help Women pained, and almost strangled with the Mother, by smelling to it: But inwardly taken, there is not a better Remedy under the Moon for that Disease. I would be large in commendation of this Herb, were I but Eloquent. It is an Herb under the dominion of Venus, and under the sign Scorpio: It is common almost upon every Dunghil. The Works of God are given freely to Man, his Medicins are common and cheap, and easie to be found: 'tis the Medicines of the Colledg of Physitians that are so dear and scarce to find) I commend it for an Universal Medicine for the Womb, and such a Medicine as will easily, safly, and speedily cure any Diseas therof, as the fits of the Mother, Dislocation or falling out therof; it cools the Womb being over-heated. (And let me tel you this, and I wil tel you but the truth, Heat of the womb is one of the greatest causes of hard labor in Childbirth) It makes barren women fruitful, it clenseth the Womb if it be foul and strengthens it exceedingly; it provokes the Terms if they be stopped, and stops them if they flow immoderately. You can desire no good to your Womb, but this Herb will effect it; therfore if you love Children, if you love Health, if you love Ease, keep a Syrup alwaies by you made of the juyce of this Herb and Sugar (or Honey if it be to clens the Womb) and let such as be rich keep it for their poor neighbors, and bestow it as freely as I bestow my studies upon them, or els let them look to answer it another day when the Lord shall come to make inquisition for Bloud. |