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ARCHANGEL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TaubnesselLamiumArchangelPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | To put a gloss upon their practice; the Physitians call an Herb (which Country people vulgarly know by the name of Dead-Nettles) Archangel, wherein whether they favor of more Superstition or Folly I leave to the judicious Reader. There is more curiosity than courtesie to my Countrymen used by others in the explaination, aswel of the Names as Description of this so wel-known an Herb; which that I may not also be guilty of, Take this short Description first of the Red-Archangel. This hath divers square stalks somwhat hairy, at the joynts whereof grow two sad green Leaves dented about the edges, opposit to one another, the lowermost upon long footstalks, but without any toward the tops which are somwhat round, yet pointed, and a little crumpled and hairy: Round about the upper Joynts where the Leaves grow thick, are sundry gaping Flowers of a pale reddish colour, after which com the Seeds three or four in a Husk. The Root is small and thriddy, perishing every year: the whol Plant hath a strong scent, but not stinking. White-Archangel hath diverse square stalks not standing streight upright but bending downward, wheron stand two Leavs at a Joynt, larger and more pointed than the other, dented about the edges and greener also more like unto Nettle-Leavs, but not stinking, yet hairy: At the Joynts with three Leavs stand larger and more open gaping white Flowers, in Husks round about the Stalks (but not with such a bush of Leavs, as Flowers set in the top, as in on the other) wherin stand smal roundish black Seeds: The Root is white, with many strings at it, not growing downward but lying under the upper crust of the Earth, and abideth many years encreasing: This hath not so strong a scent as the former. Yellow-Archangel is like the White in the Stalks and Leavs, but that the Stalks are more streight and upright, and the Joynts with Leaves are further asunder, having longer Leavs than the former; and the Flowers a little larger and more gaping, of a fair yellow colour in most, in som paler. The Roots are like the White, only they creep not so much under the ground. |
Place: | They grow almost everywhere, (unless it be in the middle of the street) the Yellow most usually in the wet grounds of Woods, and somtimes in the dryer, in divers countries of this Nation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They flower from the begining of the spring all the summer long. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Archangels are somwhat hot and dryer than the stinking Nettles, and used with better success for the stopping and hardness of the Spleen than they by using the Decoction of the Herb in Wine, and afterwards applying the Herb hot unto the Region of the Spleen as a Plaister, or the Decoction with Spunges. The Flowers of the White Archangel are preserved, or conserved to be used to stay the Whites and the Flowers of the Red to stay the Reds in Women. It makes the Heart merry, drives away Melancholly, quickens the Spirits, is good against Quartan Agues, stancheth bleedings at Mouth or Nose, if it be stamped and applied to the nape of the Neck: The Herb also brused and with some Salt and Vinegar, and Hogs Greas laid upon any hard tumor or swelling; or that which is vulgarly called the Kings Evil, doth help to dissolve or discuss them, and being in like manner applied doth much allay the pains and give eas to the Gout, Sciatica, and other aches of the Joynts and Sinews: It is also very effectual to heal all green Wounds, and old Ulcers, also to stay their fretting, gnawing, and spreading; It draweth forth Splinters and such like things gotten into the flesh, and is very good against bruises and burnings. But the yellow Archangel, is most commended for old filty corrupt Sores and Ulcers, yea, although they grow to be hollow; and to dissolve tumors. The chief use of them is for Women it being an Herb of Venus, and may be found in my Guide for Women. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Edgenote: | Spleen. White, Red and yellow Flux. Melancholy, Quartan Agues, Bleeding at Nose, Swelling, Kings Evil, Gout, Sciatica, Joynts, Ulcers, Old sores, Bruises, Burnings. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |