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Pyrus malus

Apple Tree

Planet:   Venus
Energie: -

Ermatteter Magen Fainting Stomach
Locker Bauch Loos Bellies
Durst Thirst
Phlegma Flegm
Magen Stomach
Darm Bowels
Erbrechen Vomiting
Ausfluss Flux
Auscheiden von Würmern Loosen Worms
Melancholie Melancholly
Wechselfieber Agues
Hitze in Leber und Magen heat of the Liver and Stomach
Verbrühungen Scalding
Verbrennungen Burning
Augen Eyes
Entzüdung Inflamation
Geschwüre Ulcers
Flecken Spots
Sommersprossen Freckles
Risse an Lippen und Hände Chaps in the Lips & Hands

Description: -
Place: -
Time: -
Use: A Word or two of the most usual kinds of Apples, though the Colledg of Physitians make use of none but such as Vulgo vulgati, Pearmains, vel Pippins.
Apples in general are cold and windy, and being of sundry tasts, Galen sheweth thereby how to distinguish them: Som have a sharp tast, and are good for fainting Stomachs and loos Bellies; others sowr, good to cool and quench thirst; som sharp, fit to cut gross flegm; som sweet, soon destributed in the Body, and as soon passed away, yet sooner corrupted in the Stomach if they be staid: The best sorts before they be throughly ripe are to be avoided; then to be roasted or scalded is the best way to take them and a little Spice or Seeds cast upon them and taken after meat, do strengthen both Stomach and Bowels, especially in those that loath, or hardly digest their meat, or are given to casting, or have a Flux or Lask: Those that are a little sowr and harsh used in that manner are fittest: Sweet Apples loosen the Belly and drive forth Worms; Sowr Apples stop the Belly, and provoke Urin; and Crabs for this purpose are fittest: The sweet Apples as the Pippin and Pearmain, help to dissolve Melancholly humors, and to procure Mirth, and therfore are fittest for Confectio Alkermes, and Syrupus de Pomis. The Leavs boyled and given to drink in hot Agues, where the heat of the Liver and Stomach causeth the Lips to break out, and the Throat to grow dry, harsh and furred, is very good to wash and gargle it withal, and to drink down som. This may to good purpose be used when better things are not at hand, or cannot be had. The Juyce of Crabs either Verjuyce or Cider, is of singular good use in the Heat and faintings of the Stomach, and against Casting to make a Posset with, or taken som of it alone by it self. The Juyce of Crabs, or Cider applied with wet cloaths therein to scalded or burnt places, cooleth, healeth, and draweth forth the Fire. A rotten Apple applied to Eyes bloodshotten, or enflamed with heat, or that are black and blue about them by any stroke of fall, and bound too all day or night, helpeth them quickly. The distilled Water of rotten Apples doth cool the heat and inflamations of Sores, and is good to bath foul creeping Ulcers, and to wash the Face to take away Spots, Freckles or other discolorings. The distilled Water of good and sound Apples is of special good use to procure Mirth, and expel Melancholly. The ointment called Pomatum, if sweet and well made, helpeth the Chops in the Lips or Hands, and maketh smooth and supple the rough Skin of the Hands or Face parched with wind or other accidents.
Thus my Authors.
All that I can say of Apples is this:
1 That they are extream windy.
2 That they provoke Urin, being roasted (especially Pomwaters) and mixed with fair Water, and drunk up at night going to bed; half a dozen great ones mixed with a quart of Water, excellently provokes Urin, if there be no material stone in the Body: This I had of Gerhard, and have often known it proved, and alwaies with good success. All Apples loosen the Belly and pleasure the Stomach by their coolness.
Edgenote: Fainting Stomach, Loos Bellies, Thirst, Flegm. Stomach, Bowels, Vomiting, Flux, Loosen Worms, Melancholly, Agues, heat of the Liver and Stomach. Scalding, Burning, Eyes, Inflamation, Ulcers, Spots, Freckles. Chaps in the Lips & Hands.

22.12.2024 J.N.