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Gundelrebe, Gundermann

Glechoma hederacea

ground ivy

Planet:   Venus
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken

Innere Wunden Inward Wounds
Ergreifende Schmerzen Pains Gripping
Blähungen Wind
Galle Choller
Magen Stomach
Milz Spleen
Bauch Belly
Stauungen der Leber Stopping in the Liver
Galle Gaul
Pest Plague
Gift Poyson
Gicht Gout
Ischias Sciatica
Entzündungen in Mund und Hals sore Mouth & Throat
Geschwüre an Geschlechtsteilen Ulcers in the Privities
Juckreiz Itch
Krätze Scabs
Schmerzhafte - gerötete - wässrige Augen Pain in the Eye Redness watering of them
Geschwüre Ulcers
Ohrgeräusche und Taubheit noise in the Ears Deafness

Description: This well known Herb, lieth, spreadeth, and creepeth upon the ground, shooting forth Roots, at the corners of the tender joynted Stalks, set all along with two round Leavs at every Joynt, somwhat hairy, crumpled, and unevenly dented about the edges with round dents: at the Joynts likewise with the Leaves towards the end of the Branches come forth hollow long Flowers of a blewish Purple colour with small white spots upon the lips that hang down: The Root is small with strings.
Place: It is commonly found under Hedges, and on the sides of Ditches, under Houses, or in shadowed Lanes, and other wast grounds in almost every part of the Land.
Time: They Flower somwhat early, and abide so a great while; the Leaves continue green untill Winter, and somtimes abide, except the Winter be very sharp and cold.
Use: It is quick, sharp, and bitter in tast, and is therby found to be hot and dry, a singular Herb for all inward Wounds, exulcerated Lungs, or other parts, either by it self or boyled with other the like Herbs: And being drunk, it in short time easeth all griping Pains, Windy and Chollerick Humors in the Stomach, Spleen, or Belly: helps the yellow Jaundice by opening the stoppings of the Gaul and Liver, and Melancholly by opening the stoppings of the Spleen, expelleth Venom or Poyson, and also the Plague, it provoketh Urin, and Womens Courses. The Decoction of it in Wine drunk for some time together procureth ease unto them that are troubled with the Sciatica or Hip Gout, as also the Gout in the Hands, Knees, or Feet: and if you put to the Decoction, some Honey, and a little Burnt Allum, it is excellent good to gargle any sore Mouth or Throat, and to wash the Sores and Ulcers in the privy parts of man or woman: It speedily healeth green Wounds being bruised and bound therunto: The Juyce of it boyled with a little Hony & Verdigrees, doth wonderfully clens Fistula's Ulcers, and stayeth the spreading or eating of Cancers and Ulcers, It helpeth the Itch, Scabs, Wheals, and other breakings out in any part of the Body. The Juyce of Celondine, Field Daysies, and Ground-Ivy clarified, and a little fine Sugar dissolved therin and dropped into the Eyes is a Sovereign Remedy for all the Pains, Redness, and Watering of them; as also for the Pin and Web, Skins, and Films growing over the Sight; It helpeth Beasts as well as Men; The Juyce dropped into the Ears doth wonderfully help the noise and singing of them, and helpeth the Hearing which is decayed. It is good to Tun up with new Drink, for it will so clarifie it in a night, that it will be the fitter to be drunk the next morning; or if any Drink be thick with removing or any other accident, it will do the like in a few hours.
It is an Herb of Venus, and thefore cures her Diseases by Sympathy, and those of Mars by Antipathy; how to preserve it all the yeer you shall find at the latter end of the Book.
Edgenote: Inward Wounds, Pains Gripping, Wind, Choller, Stomach, Spleen, Belly, Stopping in the Liver, Gaul, Plague, Poyson, Gout, Sciatica, sore Mouth & Throat, Ulcers in the Privities, Itch, Scabs, Pain in the Eye Redness watering of them, Ulcers, noise in the Ears Deafness.

22.12.2024 J.N.