Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 SOPEWORT, or BRUISEWORT


Echtes Seifenkraut

Saponaria officinalis


Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Schnitt am Finger Cut Fingers
provoziert Urin provokes Urine
Austreiben von Griess im Urin und Steine Expels Gravel & Stone
Wassersucht Dropsie
Syphilis French Pox

Description: The Root creepeth under ground far and neer, with many Joynts therein, of a brown colour on the outside and yellowish within, shooting forth in diverse places many weak round Stalks, full of Joynts, set with two Leaves apiece to every one of them on the contrary side, which are ribbed somwhat like unto Plantane, and fashioned like the common field white Campion Leaves, seldom having any Branches from the sides of the Stalks, but set with diverse Flowers at the top standing in long Husks like the wild Campions, made of five Leavs apiece, round at the ends, and a little dented in the middle, of a pale Rose colour, almost white, somtimes deeper, and somtimes paler, of a reasonable good scent.
Place: It groweth wild in many low and wet grounds of this Land, by the Brooks, and sides of running Waters.
Time: It Flowreth usually in July, and so continueth all August, and part of September before they be quite spent.
Use: The Country people in diverse places do use to bruise the Leaves of Sopewort, and lay it to their Fingers, Hands, or Legs when they are cut, to heal them up again.
Some make great boast thereof that it is Diuretical to provoke Urine, and thereby to expel Gravel and the Stone in the reins or Kidneys: and do also account it singular good to avoid Hydropical waters thereby to cure the disease of the Dropsie: And they no less extol it to perform an absolute cure in the French Pox, more than either Sarsaparilla, Gujacum, or China can do, which how true it is, I leave to others to judg.
Edgenote: Cut Fingers, provokes Urine, Expels Gravel & Stone, Dropsie, French Pox.

25.04.2024 J.N.