Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 MULLEIN


Königskerze, Filziges Wollkraut


Lluellin speedwell

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: neutral warm und leicht trocken

Ausfluss Flux
Zerrungen Ruptures
Krämpfe Cramp
Zuckungen Convulsion
Husten Cough
Zahnschmerzen Toothach
Hämorrhoiden Hemorrhoids
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Stauungen Obstructions
Nieren - Lenden Reins
Blase Bladder
Sehnen Sinews
Gicht Gout
Warzen Warts
Bauchschmerzen Bellyach
Kolik Chollick
Entzüdung Inflamation
Dornen Thorns
Splitter Splinters
Beulen Boyls
Leistengegend Groyn
Ausrenkungen Disjunctures

Description: The common white Mullein hath many fair large wooly white Leavs lying next the ground, somwhat longer than broad, pointed at the ends, and as it were dented about the edges: The Stalk riseth up to be four or five Foot high, covered over with such like Leavs, but lesser, so that no Stalk can be seen for the multitude of Leavs thereon up to the Flowers, which come forth on all sides of the Stalk, without any Branches for the most part, and are many set together in a long spike, in some of a gold yellow colour, in others more pale, consisting of five round pointed Leavs, which afterwards give smal round Heads, wherein is smal brownish Seed contained: The Root is long, white, and Woody, perishing after it hath born Seed.
Place: It groweth by the way sides, and in Lanes in many places of this Land.
Time: It Flowreth in July, or thereabouts.
Use: A smal quantity of the Root given in Wine, is commended by Dioscorides against Lasks and Fluxes of the Belly: The Decoction thereof drunk is profitable for those that are Bursten, and for Cramps and Convulsions, and for those that are troubled with an old Cough. The Decoction thereof gargled easeth the pains of the Toothach: An Oyl made by the often Infusion of the Flowers, is of very good effect for the Piles. The Decoction of the Root in Red Wine, or in Water (if there be an Ague) wherein red hot Steel hath been often quenched, doth stay the Bloody Flux.
The same also openeth Obstructions of the Bladder and Reins when one cannot make water. A Decoction of the Leavs hereof, and of Sage, Marjerom and Camomil Flowers and the places bathed therewith that have Sinews stark with cold, or Cramps, doth bring them much eas, and comfort. Three ounces of the distilled water of the Flowers drunk morning and evening for some daies together is said to be the most excellent Remedy for the hot Gout.
The Juyce of the Leavs and Flowers being laid upon rough Warts, as also the Pouder of the dried Roots rubbed on doth easily take them away; but doth no good to smooth Warts. The pouder of the dried Flowers is an especial Remedy for those that are troubled with belly-aches or the pains of the Chollick. The Decoction of the Root, and so likewise of the Leavs is of great effect to dissolve the Tumors, Swellings, or Inflamation of the Throat. The Seed and Leavs boyled in Wine, and applied, draweth forth speedily Thorns, or Splinters gotten into the Flesh, easeth the pains, and healeth them also. The Leavs bruised and wrapped in double papers, and covered with hot Ashes and Embers to bake a while, and then taken forth and laid warm on any Botch or Boyl hapning in the Groyn or share, doth dissolve and heal them. The Seed bruised, and boyled in Wine and laid on any Member that hath been out of Joynt and is newly set again, taketh away all Swellings and pains thereof.
Edgenote: Flux, Ruptures, Cramp, Convulsion, Cough, Toothach, Hemorrhoids, Bloody Flux, Obstructions, Reins, Bladder, Sinews, Gout, Warts. Bellyach, Chollick, Inflamation, Thorns, Splinters, Boyls, Groyn, Disjunctures.

25.04.2024 J.N.