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Eibisch echter

Althaea officinalis

Mallows (Common Marsh)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: neutral kühl

Wechselfieber Agues
Galle Choller
Ergreifen im Bauch Gripings in the Belly
Milch Milk
Hautabschürfungen Excoriation
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Rippenfellentzündung Pleuresie
Wehen Travail in Women
Epilepsie Falling sickness
Augen Eyes
Bienen Bees
Wespen und weitere Wasps &c
Gift Poyson
Harte Schwellung Hard swelling
Entzüdung Inflamation
Hoden Cods
Leber Liver
Milz Spleen
Rauheit auf der Haut Roughness of the skin
Schorf Scurff
Schuppen Dandrif
Krätziger Kopfs Scabby Heads
Verbrühungen Scalding
Verbrennungen Burning
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) St Anthonies Fire
Entzündungen in Mund und Hals Sore Mouth & Throat
Kahlheit Baldness
Dornen Thorns
Bauch Belly
Steine Stone
Nieren - Lenden Reins
Nieren Kidneys
Blase Bladder
Husten Coughs
Heiserkeit Hoarsness
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of Breath
Keuchen Wheesing
Hautabschürfungen der Därme Excoriation of the Guts
Zerrungen Ruptures
Krämpfe Cramps
Zuckungen Convulsions
Tuberkulose (Lymphknoten) The Kings Evil
Kerne Kernels
Keuchhusten Chincough
Wunden Wounds
Blutergüsse Bruises
Stürze Falls
Stösse Blows
Muskeln Muscles
Ausbruch durch Lepra oder Skorbut Morphew
Sonnenbrand Sunburning

Description: The Common Mallowes are generally so well known that they need no Description.
Our common Marsh-mallows have divers soft hoary white stalkes rising to be three or four foot high, spreading forth many Branches the Leavs wherof are soft and hairy, somwhat lesser then the other Mallow Leaves but longer pointed, cut (for the most part) into some few deivisions, but deep: The Flowers are many but smaller also then the other Mallows & white, or tending to a blush colour. After which come such like round cases and Seed as in the other Mallows. The Roots are many and long, shooting from one Head, of the bigness of a Thumb or Finger, very pliant, tough and bending like Liquoris, of a whitish yellow colour on the outside, and more white within, full of a slimy juyce which being, layd in water will thicken it as if it were gelly.
Place: The Common Mallows grow in every countrey of this Land.
The Common Marsh Mallowes in most of the Salt Marshes from Woolwich, downe to the Sea, both on the Kentish and Essex Shoares and in diverse other places of this Land.
Time: They Flower all the Summer Months, even until the Winter do pull them down.
Use: The Leavs of either of the sorts above named, and the Roots also boyled in Wine or Water, or in Broth, with Parsley or Fennel Roots, doth help to open the Body, and is very convenient in hot Agues or other distempers of the Body to apply the Leavs so boyled warm to the Belly; It not only voideth hot Chollerick and other offensive Humors, but easeth the pains and torments of the Belly coming thereby; and are therefore used in all Clysters conducing to those purposes: The same used by Nurses, procureth them store of Milk.
The Decoction of the Seed of any of the common Mallows, made in Milk or Wine doth Merveilously help excoriations, the Phtisick, Plurisie, and other Diseases of the Chest and Lungues that proceed of hot causes, if it be continued taking for sometime together: The Leavs and Roots work the same effects: They help much also in the excoriations of the Guts and Bowels and hardness of the Mother, and in all hot and sharp diseases thereof. The Juyce drunk in Wine, or the Decoction of them therein doth help Women to a speedy and easie Delivery. Pliny saith, That whosoever shal take a spoonful of any of the Mallows, shal that day be free from all Diseases that may come unto him; and that it is special good for the Falling-sickness. The Syrup also and Conserve made of the Flowers are very effectual for the same Diseases, and to open the Body being costive:
The Leavs bruised and laid to the Eyes with a little Honey, taketh away the Impostumations of them. The Leavs bruised or rubbed upon any place stung with Bees, Wasps or the like, presently taketh away the pains, redness, and Swellings that rise thereupon: and Dioscorides saith, The Decoction of the Leavs and Roots helpeth all sorts of Poyson, so as the Poyson be presently voided by Vomit. A Pultis made of the Leavs boyled and bruised, whereunto some Bean or Barley Flower and Oyl of Roses is an especial Remedy against all hard Tumors and Inflamations of Impostums and Swellings of the Cods and other parts, and easeth the pains of them; as also against the hardness of the Liver or Spleen, being applied to the places. The Juyce of the Mallows boyled in old Oyl and applied, taketh away al roughness of the Skin, as also the Scurf, Dandrif, or dry Scabs in the Head or other parts if they be anointed therewith, or washed with the Decoction, and preserveth the Hair from falling off. It is also effectual against Scaldings and Burnings, St. Anthonies fire, and all other hot, red, and painful Swellings in any part of the Body. The Flowers boyled in Oyl or Water (as every one is disposed) wherunto a little Honey and Allum is put, is an excellent Gargle to wash, clens, and heal any sore Mouth or Throat in a short space. If the Feet be bathed or washed with the Decoction of the Leavs, Roots, and Flowers, it helpeth much the Defluxions of Rhewm from the Head. If the Head be washed therewith, it staieth the falling and shedding of the Hair. The green Leavs (saith Pliny) beaten with Nitre and applied draweth out Thorns, or Pricks in the Flesh.
The Marsh Mallows are more effectual in al the Diseases before mentioned: The Leavs are likewise used to loosen the Belly gently, and in Decoctions for Clysters, to eas al pains of the Body, opening the strait Passages, and making them slippery, whereby the Stone may descend the more easily and without pain, out of the Reins, Kidneys, and Bladder, and to eas the torturing pains thereof: But the Roots are of more especial use for those purposes, as well as for Coughs, Hoarsness, shortness of Breath, and Wheesings, being boyled in Wine or Honeyed Water and drunk. The Roots and Seeds hereof boyled in Wine or Water, is with good success used by them that have Excoriations in the Guts, or the bloody Flux, by qualifying the violence of the sharp fretting Humors, easing the pains, and healing the Soreness: It is profitably taken of them that are troubled with Ruptures, Cramps, or Convulsions of the Sinews; and boyled in white Wine for the Impostumes of the Throat, commonly called the Kings Evil, and of those Kernels that rise behind the Ears, and Inflamations or Swellings in Womens Breasts.
The dried Roots boyled in Milk and drunk is special good for the Chin-Cough. Hippocrates used to give the Decoction of the Roots, or the Juyce therof to drink to those that were wounded, and ready to faint through loss of Blood, and applied the same, mixed with Honey and Rozin to the Wounds: As also the Roots boyled in Wine to those that had received any Hurt by Bruises, Falls, or Blows, or had any Bone or Member out of Joynt, or any Swelling pain, or ach in the Muscles, Sinews, or Arteries. The Muccilage of the Roots, and of Linseed, and of Fennugreek put together, is much used in Pultises, Oyntments, and plaisters, to mollifie and digest all hard Swellings, and the Inflamation of them, and to eas pains in any part of the Body. The Seed either green or dry mixed with Vinegar clenseth the Skin of the Morphew, and al other discolourings, being bathed therewith in the Sun.
You may remember that not long since there was a raging Disease called the Bloody Flux, the Colledg of Physitians not knowing what to make of it, called it the Plague in the Guts, for their wits were at ne plus ultra about it. My son was taken with the same Disease, and the excoriation of his Bowels was exceeding great; my self being in the Country was sent for up, the only thing I gave him was Mallows bruised and boyled both in his Milk and Drink, in two daies (the blessing of God being upon it) it cured him, and I here to shew my thankfulness to God in communicating it to his Creatures, leav it to posterity.
Edgenote: Agues, Choller, Gripings in the Belly, Milk, Excoriation, Phtisick, Pleuresie, Travail in Women. Falling sickness, Eyes, Bees, Wasps &c, Poyson, Hard swelling, Inflamation, Cods, Liver, Spleen, Roughness of the skin. Scurff, Dandrif, Scabby Heads, Scalding, Burning, St Anthonies Fire, Sore Mouth & Throat, Baldness, Thorns, Belly. Stone, Reins, Kidneys, Bladder, Coughs, Hoarsness, Shortness of Breath, Wheesing, Excoriation of the Guts, Ruptures, Cramps, Convulsions, The Kings Evil, Kernels, Chincough. Wounds, Bruises, Falls, Blows, Muscles, Morphew, Sunburning.

18.04.2024 J.N.