Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 SOW FENNEL, or HOGS FENNEL


Echter Haarstrang

Peucedanum officinale

Fennel (Sow or Hog's)

Planet:   Merkur
Energie: -

Trägheit Lethargy
Ekstase Frenzie
Schwindel Vertigo
Epilepsie Falling-Sickness
Kopfschmerz Headach
Lähmungen Palsey
Ischias Sciatica
Krämpfe Cramp
Sehnen Sinews
Krämpfe Cramp
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of breath
Blähungen Wind
Milz Spleen
Geburt Childbirth
Nieren - Lenden Reins
Blase Bladder
Unterleib Womb
Ohren Ears
Hohle Zähne Hollow Teeth
Geschwüre Ulcers
Knochenbrüche broken Bones
Dornen Thorns
Wunden Wounds

Description: The common Sow-Fennel hath divers branched Stalks of thick and somwhat long Leavs, three for the most part joyned together at a place, among which riseth a crested strait Stalk, less than Fennel with some Joynts theron, and Leavs growing thereat, and toward the top some Branches issuing from thence, likewise on the tops of the Stalk and Branches stand divers tufts of yellow Flowers, where after grow somwhat flat, thin, and yellowish Seed bigger than Fennel Seed: The Root groweth great and deep with many other parts and Fibres about them, of a strong scent like hot Brimstone and yielding forth a yellowish Milk, or clammy Juyce almost like Gum.
Place: It groweth plentifully in the Salt low Marshes neer by Feaversham in Kent.
Time: It Flowreth and seedeth in July and August.
Use: The Juyce of Sow-Fennel (saith Dioscorides and Galen) used with Vinegar and Rosewater, or the Juyce with a little Euphorbium put to the Nose, helpeth those that are troubled with the Lethargy, the Frensie, the turning or Giddiness of the Head, the Falling-Sickness, long and inveterate Headach, the Palsie, Sciatica, and the Cramp, and generally all the Diseases of the Sinews, used with Oyl and Vinegar. The Juyce dissolved in Wine, or put into an Eg, is good for the Cough, or shortness of Breath and for those that are troubled with the Wind in the Body; It purgeth the Belly gently, helpeth the hardness of the Spleen, giveth eas to Women that have sore travail in Childbirth, and easeth the pains of the Reins and Bladder, and also of the Womb. A little of the Juyce dissolved in Wine and dropped into the Ears, easeth much of the pains in them; and put into an hollow Tooth, easeth the pain therof. The Root is less effectual in all the aforesaid Diseases: yet the Pouder of the Root clenseth foul Ulcers being put into them; and taketh out Splinters of broken Bones or other things in the Flesh and healeth them up perfectly, as also it dryeth up old and inveterate running Sores, and is of admirable Vertue in all green Wounds.
Edgenote: Lethargy, Frenzie, Vertigo, Falling-Sickness, Headach, Palsey, Sciatica, Cramp, Sinews, Cramp, Shortness of breath, Wind, Spleen. Childbirth, Reins, Bladder, Womb, Ears, Hollow Teeth, Ulcers, broken Bones, Thorns, Wounds.

24.04.2024 J.N.