Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 COWSLIPS



Primula veris


Planet:   Venus / Widder
Energie: neutral warm

Flecken Spots
Falten Wrinkles
Sonnenbrand Sunburning
Kopf Hitze Head Heat
Blähungen Wind
Schönheit verbessert Beauty ads
Schwindel Vertigo
Nachtgeister Ephialtes
Zuckungen Convulsion
Krämpfe Cramp
Rücken Back
Blase Bladder
Wunden Wounds
Zittern Trembling
Ekstase Frenzy
Epilepsie Falling-sickness
Lähmungen Palsey

Description: Both the Wild and Garden Cowslips are so wel know that I wil neither trouble my self nor the Reader with any description of them.
Place: -
Time: They Flower in April and May.
Use: The Flowers are held to be more effectual than the Leavs and the Roots of little use.
An Oyntment being made with them taketh away Spots, and Wrinkles of the Skin, Sunburning and Freckles, and ads Beauty exceedingly: They remedy all infirmities of the Head coming of Heat and Wind, as Vertigo, Ephialtes, Fals apparitions, Phrensies, Falling-sickness, Palsies, Convulsions, Cramps, Pains in the Nerves: The Roots eas pains in the Back and Bladder, and open the passages of Urine: The Leavs are good in Wounds, and the Flowers take away trembling: If the Flowers be not well dried and kept in a warm place, they wil soon putrifie and look green, have a special eye over them: if you let them see the Sun once a Month, it wil do neither the Sun nor them harm.
Because they strengthen the Brain and Nerves, and remedy Palsies the Greeks gave them the name Prralisis; The Flowers preserved or conserved, and the quantity of a Nutmeg eaten every morning, is a sufficient Dose, for inward Diseases, but for Wounds, Spots, Wrinkles, and Sunburnings, an Oyntment is made of the Leavs and Hogs greas.
Venus laies claim to the Herb as her own, and it is under the Sign Aries, and our City Dames know wel enough the Oyntment or Distilled Water of it ads Beauty, or at least restores it when it is lost.
Edgenote: Spots, Wrinkles, Sunburning, Head Heat, Wind, Beauty ads, Vertigo, Ephialtes, Convulsion, Cramp, Back, Bladder, Wounds, Trembling, Frenzy, Falling-sickness, Palsey.

26.04.2024 J.N.